Hayley Holden
Extract from epicarts
The biggest thing I learnt during the course is that if you have a disability don’t think that you can’t do things. Believe in yourself – you also have value to society!
Savun | Performer & Workshop Facilitator, epic arts
“I always loved performing and making silly faces”
I started acting at school when I was 15. I loved acting, but it was something I did for fun. My wildest dream was to become a performer.
My time at school was coming to an end. One day I was reading the newspaper and wondering what to do next. That’s when I saw the advert for the Inclusive Arts Course.
It looked perfect, I was so excited about the course it had all the things I enjoyed doing. I borrowed my friends phone and looked up Epic Arts.
I saw the Epic Arts Happy video, I watched it again and again, I thought all the dancers looked so cool. I wanted to do that! I asked the School Director if I could apply to join the course.
“Growing up people in my community gave me a new name ‘Broken Leg’”
I was in an accident when I was three months old and my right leg didn’t develop in the same way as my left leg.
I grew up with a leg that wasn’t strong so I knew that I had to be strong. I didn’t like the people who called me ‘Broken Leg’, they made me angry. I became determined to be smarter than them.
I knew I couldn’t do traditional physical work so I made it my mission to study hard and get good knowledge. I could prove all the mean people wrong and I would be able to support myself. […]
Savun graduated the Inclusive Arts Course in April 2017 after completing two-years on the Inclusive Arts Course. After Graduating Savun applied for and secured a position at Epic Arts. Savun is now a performer at Epic Arts.