For the past 15 years, Valérie honed her professional skills in copywriting, public/press relations, communications, projects management and international relations. All these experiences led her to explore, and also embrace what few individuals have the opportunity to experience and that is, to ally their professional skills with their passion. In Valérie’s case, this implied engaging her communication skills in the vast sense of the definition, and her passion for handicraft/textiles, while at the same time, promoting women’s empowerment.

Paa Vanhthong is on a mission! A nod to someone, a word to another one, she keeps going! The cotton is not going to wash itself… Ankles deep in the river, she picks a flat rounded rock to try to get rid of the indigo stains on her hands. She can keep on trying, her hands will always have this little tint of indigo, so specific to this community. […]